5 Things to Keep Banner

There are unlimited ways to use your garage space, for vehicle storage and maintenance, workspace, hobby space, and special events. The ideas are endless! If you are ready to turn your garage into a dance studio or gym, it might be tempting to throw everything into a nearby shed and move on to the exciting steps. But here are some things you should probably think about keeping.

Things to Keep

Storage Units

Regardless of how you are using your garage, keep the cabinets and overhead storage containers. You might need this later – even if you are not ready for it yet. If they are in the way, try an updated storage system to fit your needs best.

Basic Tool Kits

Even if you are not using your space as a workshop, it helps to keep a hammer and nails nearby for quick fixes. Just keep essentials but find a new place for your power tools to maintain the focus on your new design.

Basic First Aid Kit

It is surprisingly rare to find a first aid kit in the garage, despite the many hidden dangers that could be lurking in your garage. Even with an updated design that does not involve tools or chemicals, your garage could still be a place where injuries occur. The more time you spend in your garage, the more likely you will need the first aid kit at some point.

Safe Electricity

No matter what you use your garage for, keep it comfortable with adequate lighting. Although it is easy to neglect lighting in a garage, shadows can invite trouble from unwanted pests to trip hazards. Also, test your outlets before hooking up your sound system, refrigerator, or other electronics to prevent fire hazards.

Coffee Beans

Find creative ways to place coffee beans around the garage. Hide a bowl in corners or use it for a dry flower vase. They will help soak up noxious fumes and leave a faint but delicious scent behind. Stores that sell scented products often use this trick because it helps to remove smells. 
Although this food gives off a scent, it will not attract pests the same as other food odors. You will want to change your coffee beans out occasionally because they will soak up other smells.

Things to Get Rid Of


Christmas Tree Box

If you store your Christmas decorations in the garage, it can create a haven for spiders, mice, and other pests. Most Christmas decorations come in cardboard and plastic boxes, which are perfect for cobwebs and nests. Warmth and shadows make these the perfect breeding ground for pests. Try wrapping your tree before storing it in a new container that can seal tight with a lid. This will help minimize the size and deter pests from nesting in it.

Open Chemicals

Regardless of the purpose or design of the garage, open containers of chemicals must go. Not only can this create a noxious environment that makes it difficult to work in, but it can also actually create a safety hazard for pets and small children. If there is a chemical leak from a loose or open container – get rid of it. Clean it thoroughly, and consider investing in a locked cabinet to store chemicals in.

Accessible Fabric/Paper Products

This one might surprise you, but this is a common source for pest invasion. Paper products and fabrics can attract pests who might try to use the products to build nests or hiding places. Find enclosed storage units to lock these away until you are ready to use them again. Consider this advice essential if you are using your garage for arts and crafts. The last thing you want is for termites or mice to literally eat through your assets.

Unused Batteries

The garage often becomes a large catch-all for toys and decorations. Many of them are battery-operated, but it is easy to forget that when you are storing them for the season. Before you store toys and decorations, remove the batteries. This will prevent waste and prevent battery leaks from corrosion.

Unsealed Pet Products

It's easy to leave pet food or treats in a bag  out in the garage thinking that it's a safe place for it. However, not only can odors leak from the bag, inviting unwelcome guests, but it also can go bad much faster, leaving your fur friend without a nutritious meal. Once a pet food container has been opened, store any unused contents in a clean storage unit with a tight seal. This will protect your space as well as your pet. 

The Bottom Line

There are three things you need to control to elevate your garage: accessibility, lighting, and odors. If any of these areas become inadequate, the garage can become uncomfortable. When a garage is uncomfortable, it becomes unused. If it is unused –well then, it loses its value.
Adding a Fresh Air Screen is the first step to correcting these issues. Used in addition to adequate security, and proper lighting, these screens can not only open your garage up for your accessibility, but it also allows fresh sunlight and air to sweep through the garage, eliminating stuffy odors and deterring unwanted pests and debris.
Home Depot and Lowes are the first places to look to find great products for all three areas. Starting with our very own Fresh Air Screens, you can also find garage lightslocked cabinets, and more. 
Would you like to know more about Fresh Air Screens for your project? We would love to hear from you! Contact us today and experience the fresh air like you never have before!

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